Friday, January 11, 2008

On Melinda Gates going public...

Reading the profile reporting in Fortune on Melinda Gates going public is both pleasant and refreshing.

The things that strike me, not only of Melinda Gates, but also of Bill Gates, are how down-to-earth they are privately. Surely, when anyone talks of the Gates, the first thing is about the amount of money and wealth they have. Afterall, their Foundation is set to grow to $100 billion.

Money can be a burden when you have too many zeroes in the bank account. It's a huge responsibility, and I'm glad to learn that Melinda shows Bill Gates the way to be a better person, and to see the world in a different light. No doubt her more humble upbringing sets both her feet firmly on the ground, which is how it should be.

And I'm very happy for them, to see two persons that can be so in sync and in love, and be supportive to one another. The same goes with Warren Buffet and his late wife in the short mention of the article, where Buffet is probably envious of the Gates that the younger couple can do it together to give the money away, in their own terms, rather than Buffet's original intent on giving his money away after he's dead.

The other thing that strikes me is that, it takes a confident man to appreciate strong women. The same goes with Bill Clinton and Hilary. One could call them (the two Bills) species of the New Age Man. Such as it should be. I hope there are more of them around, who know how to love and respect strong women.


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tiddle said...

It's interesting, since I never thought anyone would be interested in reading through my daily thoughts (my mindless tidbits of the day, if you will). But I'm glad you have enjoyed it.